PODCAST EPISODE From Religion to Relationship with Joe Joe Morris: Leaving the Mennonite Community Living Loved. By Brianne Erman.

Hello, my beautiful friends! This episode is absolutely WILD. I had the pleasure of sitting down with one of my best friends, Joe Joe, to talk about his crazy and inspiring story. 

He talks about his experience growing up in the Mennonite community, having a radical encounter with God in Heaven, and choosing to leave the Mennonite community in order to chase his dreams.

I pray that this conversation leaves you feeling inspired and that you would encounter God’s love for you in a new way! 


Joe Joe’s Instagram: @joejoexm

My Instagram: @brianneerman



Thugexposed.org uploads viral video of Heaven testimony, blesses thousands and sparks a “No Return Phase” For Joe Joe’s Family. His words, “We can only move forward, the word must get out.”