Press on Joe Joe & Xmenno movement

The founder and creator of Megamorphosis Magazine. Jenene Stafford - is first to break story of Joe Joe & Xmenno!
“Joe Joe” Morris was raised “hardcore Mennonite.” He says “I had a call on my life since birth to be a leader, but I always thought I wasn’t worthy.” In his own words, “very very conservative. Lots of rules. You know, we sewed our own clothes. I was raised on a farm and I drove a tractor around every day and that was my life.” He and his family drew attention with their attire being hand made and he recalls, “People would take pictures of us when we would go to the grocery store.”
His perception of God and his faith was wrapped up in a box that was simple, archaic, outdated and extremely religious. He, too, wondered why “normal” people wore the clothes they wore. He was taught to focus on the outward appearance rather than the heart of a person. But, in the deepest part of himself was a thirst for truth, for meaning, and to belong to a community and a tradition where he, as well as his gifts, could live and thrive in the way he felt so lead.